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GC Bonus Tourney for July

GC Bonus Tourney for July
Posted by Spider (moderator) Jul 8 2007 6:27PM

The bonus tourney for July is on the schedule folks. Mark you calendar and be sure to attend. Only 1 tix entry and 100 GC Bonus tix up for grabs. Hope to see you there. :)

July tourny on line???
Posted by wilpat (VIP) Jul 8 2007 9:08PM

It is on line??? Where?? I am a little old and blind, but I cannot find it on the schedule!

On the schedule honest wilpat :)
Posted by PEGASUS (moderator) Jul 8 2007 10:11PM

The reason you're not seeing it on "pending tourneys" is because only the next 20 show...the bonus gin will be July 19th at 7:00 PM :) Looking forward to seeing you there!

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